Do you want to be a part of something great? I think we all do.

For us, that something great would be this: To be involved in the renovation & restoration of the City of Buffalo. Many are investing in the city's buildings and businesses. We want to invest in Buffalo's communities and people.

We believe that true hope is not grounded in a better economic outlook but in a radical trust that God can take broken things (both people and cities) and make them new.

We believe that the vision that God has for our city is greater than the vision of any city planner, politician, or preacher.

We believe this vision includes real community, justice for the oppressed, racial reconciliation, compassion for refugees, support and care for single parents & their children.

We believe there are systems that have kept people from realizing their God given potential to experience hope, freedom, and justice. We intend on breaking them.

We believe we are called  to trust Jesus with all that we are, hope, & dream and to follow the way of Jesus (the way of radical love & grace) in every area of our lives.

We believe God's vision for the city is one where churches work together. Where the success of one is the success of everyone. Where pride and egos fall, so that God's kingdom may rise. Where our bond is our hope in Jesus, not in our denomination or affiliation.

We believe God's design for community is one where everyone belongs and everyone is invited to journey together. This community has no walls. Your past, your race, your sexual orientation, your religion,  your lack of religion will not exclude you from being a part of the community.

We believe our city needs not just one church with this vision, but many. We believe God wants to see this kind of community in every neighborhood in Buffalo. 

We believe this pursuit is worth our time, energy, fear, sweat, tears, money and our future. We will have scars, bruises, and gray hairs.  That's okay because we believe we'll also walk away with stories and a legacy that will outlive us.

We believe that God is pursuing this city. He is inviting us to join him in this messy and beautiful work of love.

Who knows? He may be calling you as well. Let us know.